Embedded Graphics Menu

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I have been trying out using rust on cortex-m microcontrollers. There is a great 2D graphics library called embedded-graphics which can be used with many displays.

My menu library builds on top of embedded graphics to provide a simple menu that can be used in various projects.

In order to keep the flexibility that embedded-graphics provides, I defined the Menu using generics, so the menu can be used with displays that have various bit depths of colour or black and white LCDs.

fn main() {
pub struct Menu<'a, C, F, S>
    C: PixelColor,
    F: Font,
    S: ArrayLength<MenuEntry<'a>>,
    title: &'a str,
    highlighted_option: u8,
    selected: bool,
    redraw: bool,
    size: Size,
    options: MenuOptions<C, F>,
    structure: GenericArray<MenuEntry<'a>, S>,
    last_keys: Keys

The menu is instantiated with an array of menu entry structs which is passed to the constructor.

fn main() {
let menu_structure = GenericArray::from([
    MenuEntry {
        l: "Start",
        t: EntryType::Select,
    MenuEntry {
        l: "Sound on",
        t: EntryType::Bool(false),
    MenuEntry {
        l: "Volume",
        t: EntryType::I32((-3, -10, 10)),